Sentiment Analysis tool

Sentiment analysis is all about understanding how people feel about certain things by looking at what they’re saying online. It’s super helpful for businesses who want to know what people think about their brand, products, and services. That’s where Palowise comes in – we’ve got an awesome platform that helps companies do just that. Plus, we’ve got some pretty impressive credentials – 4 patents and a bunch of happy clients since 2008!

1500+ brands trusted Palo so far.

Key advantages of Palowise’s Sentiment Analysis tool

Effortless integration

Integrating your Social Listening service and Sentiment analysis, with your brand comes with no work on your part!! All you have to do is tell us what you want to monitor and get ready to discover what customers say about you and your competitors.

Sophisticated Audience Analysis

Using a Social listening tool with Sentiment analysis, helps you gain insights into how audiences perceive your or the competitor’s products, services, and brand.

Business Strategy Enhancement

A social listening approach with a Sentiment analysis, goes beyond monitoring web and social mentions and buzz. Start aggregating and analyzing the data to perform a social listening strategy leading to a better business strategy decision making, evaluation of new products and campaigns, improvement of social media strategies and customer support, enhance your brand image, and more!

Benefits of Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis is a pretty cool tool that helps businesses understand how people feel about their brand, products, and services. By analyzing online conversations, it gives companies a better idea of what people are saying about them, and can even help predict future trends. Here are some of the benefits of using Sentiment Analysis:

Benefit #1: Get a better understanding of your customers

With Sentiment Analysis, you can see what people are saying about your brand, and use that information to improve your products or services.

Benefit #2: Stay on top of trends

By keeping an eye on online conversations, you can predict what people will be talking about in the future, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Benefit #3: Monitor your competition

You can also use Sentiment Analysis to see what people are saying about your competitors, and use that information to stay ahead of the game.

Benefit #4: Save time and resources

Instead of manually sifting through online conversations, Sentiment Analysis can automate the process, saving you time and resources.

Benefit #5: Create a data-driven marketing strategy

With Sentiment Analysis, you can collect valuable information about your brand messaging and use it to create a more insightful marketing strategy.

Benefit #6: Measure your marketing campaign

By analyzing online conversations, you can see how your message is resonating with your audience and measure the impact of your campaigns.

Benefit #7: Understand your target market

Sentiment Analysis can help you understand the needs and preferences of your target market, which can help you create more targeted campaigns.

Benefit #8: Improve customer service

By monitoring online conversations, you can identify customer service issues and address them quickly and effectively.

Benefit #9: Proactive crisis management

Sentiment Analysis can help you identify potential crisis situations early on and take steps to mitigate them.

In the end, Sentiment Analysis is a powerful tool that can help businesses stay on top of trends, improve their products and services, and create more effective marketing strategies.

Other Capabilities of Palowise’s Sentiment Analysis tool

Social Listening

Social listening allows the user to structure the data generated daily on the web, which enables a brand, company, or individual to go in-depth into what is being said about each one of them over the Internet. By enabling this service, you will have transparency over massive amounts of unstructured data.

Competition Analysis

Improve your Products and Services. Identify market gaps and anticipate customer needs and expectations, as well as your competitors' upcoming improvements.

Sentiment Analysis

Emotions play a huge factor in purchasing decisions. Gain insights into how audiences perceive your or the competitor’s products, services, and brand, and translate the audience's’ behavior to actionable business data.

Digital Footprint

It is critical to invest in your digital footprint as more than 90% of consumers use digital platforms to find businesses. Our data shows that 58.4% of internet users make a purchase online every week and this number is continually growing.

Influencer Analytics

An influencer marketing agency, The Self, conducted a survey that found that 65% of companies currently use influencer campaigns and 92% of customers prefer to see promotions from people they don’t personally know instead of...

Sponsorship Evaluation

Sponsorship evaluation is an essential process for businesses seeking to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. By measuring the effectiveness of sponsorships, companies can make informed decisions and improve their return on investment (ROI).


In today’s world, social media has become an important platform for moms, especially new ones, to seek advice and share their experiences related to babies. As a result, it’s crucial for companies to monitor online discussions, reviews, and search data to gain...

Social Inteligence

Analysis of data from social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok is known as social intelligence. To assist firms in making better data-driven decisions, these are frequently used in conjunction with conventional reporting and business intelligence techniques.

Media Monitoring

Media monitoring is all about staying on top of the conversation and getting the inside scoop on what people are really saying about you or your clients. It’s like having a spy in the room, giving you valuable insights into customer feedback that you can use to make better decisions for your business.

Consumer Intelligence

Why are consumers choosing your competitors’ products and not yours? To understand why this is happening, companies use Consumer Intelligence, which is a method of gathering information about consumer behavior and preferences.

Social Analytics

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, technology and social media platforms are constantly evolving, which can make it challenging for businesses to stay ahead of the competition.

Brand Equity Measurement

Brand equity is a critical component of a company’s overall competitive strategy, as it represents the value that a brand adds to its products or services in the eyes of the consumer.

Tracking Analysis

In today’s data-driven world, it is essential for businesses to track and analyze the vast amounts of data that are constantly being generated. By utilizing data tracking, companies can gain valuable insights that can help them identify trends, optimize processes, and make more informed decisions.

Trend Analysis

Trend analysis is all about understanding what’s driving consumer behavior and being able to respond to their needs in the most effective way possible. By keeping an eye on trends, you can anticipate what your customers might want before they even know they want it.

Reputation Management

Reputation management is important for businesses to have in place, especially in case of unexpected events, such as crises or pandemics! A good reputation managemeny strategy includes using tools to gather data & insights about mentions of the company, competitors, and related entities.

Political Analysis

Political analysis is becoming more important in today’s digital age as technology allows for the collection and analysis of a large amount of data from online sources. These tools can be used to gain a deeper understanding of political actors, their motivations, and the potential outcomes of their actions.

PR Crisis

In the world of business, PR crises can happen unexpectedly and cause significant damage to a company’s reputation. That’s why having a solid PR crisis management plan in place is essential for any business that wants to survive and thrive in the long run.

Campaign Evaluation

Campaign evaluation is crucial for businesses to assess the effectiveness of their marketing and PR efforts. By using a campaign evaluation tool, companies can track and analyze their campaigns, gain insights, and make data-driven decisions that lead to better results. Studies show that businesses using such tools see an average 30% increase in ROI.

FAQ about Sentiment Analysis

What is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis examines the views, assessments, feelings, or attitudes regarding a brand, subject, person, or object that are expressed subjectively in a statement. Positive, negative, or neutral expressions can all be categorized.

What is the importance of Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis allows brands to quickly understand the emotions and opinions of their customers by analyzing text data such as social media posts, reviews, and customer feedback. It can be used to monitor social media mentions, identify customer service issues, and interpret client feedback. Sentiment analysis is particularly useful for social media monitoring as it provides a comprehensive view of how the public feels about a certain topic. Additionally, it can also be used to identify market trends and changes in social media sentiment. This helps businesses to make data-driven decisions and to also improve their marketing strategies.

What is a Sentiment Analysis tool?

Palowise sentiment analysis tool is an essential part for your market research and customer service approach. Our state-of-the-art technology can automatically identify the emotion, tone, and urgency of online dialogues, and then assign a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. The combination of machine learning techniques and natural language processing can take into consideration various grammatical nuances, cultural variations, slang and misspellings that occur in online mentions. Thanks to Palowise real-time monitoring capabilities, you can have a quick grasp of the wider public opinion for the topic of your choice. Our sentiment analysis tool can help you better understand and analyze client feedback.

What are the steps of Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment Analysis is a pretty cool process that helps businesses understand how people feel about their brand, products, and services. The process involves four main steps:

STEP 1| Data Collection – This is the first and most important step in the process. It’s all about gathering all the online conversations about your brand, products, and services.

STEP 2| Data Processing – After collecting all the data, the next step is to figure out if it’s positive, negative, or neutral. This is where a technique called natural language processing (NLP) comes in.

STEP 3| Data Analysis – This step is all about analyzing and organizing the data to answer the questions you have about what people are saying about your brand.

STEP 4| Data Visualization – The final step is all about seeing the insights from your data in a clear and easy-to-understand way. This is where charts, graphs, and statistics come in.

Overall, Sentiment Analysis is a powerful process that can help businesses stay on top of trends, improve their products and services, and create more effective marketing strategies.

Why do we use Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment Analysis is a super helpful tool for understanding how people feel about certain things, especially when it comes to social media. By keeping an eye on online conversations, companies can learn more about their customers, identify problems before they get out of hand, and even improve their customer service.

It’s kind of like a crystal ball for businesses, allowing them to understand what people are saying about them and use that information to make their products and services better. And with the help of sentiment analysis tools, it’s easier than ever to do all of that.

It’s important to keep in mind that by understanding customer sentiment, companies can enhance their customer experience and make it better. And that’s where our sentiment analysis tool comes in. It produces insights that can help businesses improve their customer service and experience.

What are the 4 types of Sentiment Analysis?

  1. Fine-Grained: This sentiment analysis is useful for analyzing reviews and ratings, and the sentiment analysis model assists you in determining polarity precision.
  2. Aspect-Based: While fine-grained analysis helps you understand the overall polarity of your customer reviews, ratings, and comments, the aspect-based analysis goes deeper. It helps you determine the particular aspects people are talking about.
  3. Emotion Detection: As the name suggests, emotion detection helps you detect emotions. This can include anger, sadness, happiness, frustration, fear, worry, panic, etc.
  4. Intent Analysis: The intent analysis assists you in identifying the consumer’s intent, whether the customer plans to purchase or is simply browsing. Accurately determining consumer intent can save companies time, money, and effort.

What are the benefits of Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment Analysis is the secret weapon for businesses that want to stay ahead of the game and understand exactly what their customers are thinking and feeling about their brand, products, and services. By analyzing online conversations, it gives companies a better idea of what people are saying about them, and can even help predict future trends.

Let’s be real, understanding your customers is key to success in any business. And with the power of Sentiment Analysis in your arsenal, you’ll be able to unlock valuable insights into what your customers truly think and feel about your brand, products and services. Whether it’s Fine-Grained, Aspect-Based, Emotion Detection, or Intent Analysis, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the game.

What is the main goal of Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment Analysis is the ultimate tool for businesses that want to stay on top of their game and truly understand what their customers are thinking and feeling. It’s all about diving deep into online conversations and extracting valuable insights about your brand, products, and services. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to know what people are saying about them?

With Sentiment Analysis, you can:

  • Get a better understanding of your customers: Understand what people are saying about your brand, products, and services and use that information to improve your business.
  • Stay on top of trends: Keep an eye on online conversations to predict what people will be talking about in the future and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Monitor your competition: See what people are saying about your competitors and use that information to stay ahead of the game.
  • Improve customer service: Identify customer service issues and address them quickly and effectively.
  • Proactive crisis management: Identify potential crisis situations early on and take steps to mitigate them.

Sentiment Analysis is the ultimate game-changer for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition and truly understand what their customers are thinking and feeling. It’s like having a crystal ball for your business, giving you valuable insights into customer feedback and allowing you to make data-driven decisions that will take your business to the next level. So why wait? Get your hands on the secret weapon of Sentiment Analysis and dominate the game!

What is the difference between Social Media Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining?

Sentiment analysis and opinion mining are used to understand people’s opinions about various things such as people, organizations, topics, products, or events. People express opinions on nearly everything, and those opinions shape their behavior. The main focus of sentiment analysis and opinion mining is on opinions that express positive or negative sentiments. Sentiment analysis models can be used to detect the polarity of an opinion (positive, negative, neutral), while opinion mining models can be used to identify personal feelings (angry, happy, etc.) and intentions or objectives (interested or not interested).

How can a Sentiment Analysis tool help a company grow?

Sentiment Analysis is the ultimate power move for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve and truly understand what their customers are thinking and feeling. It’s like having a secret weapon for your business, giving you valuable insights into customer feedback and allowing you to make data-driven decisions that will take your business to the next level.

Imagine being able to read your customers’ minds and know exactly what they want and need. That’s exactly what sentiment analysis tools do for you. They help you understand the emotional motivation behind customer comments, whether it’s spoken or written. And the best part is, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, sentiment analysis can be used to equip your sales, marketing, and customer service teams to deliver a consistent customer experience across the board. So why wait? Get your hands on the secret weapon of Sentiment Analysis and watch your business soar!

What type of businesses can benefit from a Sentiment Analysis tool?

All businesses that want to tap into their online presence can benefit from a Sentiment Analysis tool! Truth to be told though is that even if your brand does not have an online presence, chances are that your competitors are already exploiting the benefits.

There are a plethora of social intelligence tools out there, providing different solutions to different needs. How can one find the best social intelligence platform that covers all their needs? At Palowise, we have years of experience helping businesses from a variety of sectors and industries with our social intelligence solutions. Companies from various sectors and industries, including :

  1. FMCG / Consumer Goods
  2. Retail & eCommerce
  3. Financial Sector
  4. Telecoms
  5. Energy
  6. Pharmaceutical
  7. Automotive
  8. Marketing and PR Agencies
  9. Political Parties & Figures
  10. Public Figures
  11. Non profits / NGOs

What are some common Sentiment Analysis example use cases for a brand?

Sentiment Analysis is a powerful tool that can give businesses valuable insights into customer feedback and help them make data-driven decisions. It’s an essential part of market research and customer service, allowing companies to understand customer attitudes and improve their overall customer experience. By studying and analyzing large volumes of text from various sources, businesses can determine a user’s or audience’s opinion about a particular subject or brand, and use this information to make informed decisions that will take their business to the next level.

Some common use cases for Sentiment Analysis include:

  • Market research and customer service & experience approach: Understand customer attitudes and improve customer experience.
  • Crisis management: Quickly notice a steady increase in negative feedback and react accordingly.
  • Campaign or Ad tracking: Address the negative or positive feedback in a playful and self-knowing way.
  • Strategic planning for political parties: Rapidly assess the tone behind everything, from news articles to forum posts, to plan and strategize for the future.
  • Communication channel optimization: Examine client interactions across different channels and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Identifying key customer groups: Determine which customer groups have the strongest opinions.
  • Tracking customer sentiment over time: Retain a positive brand image by being open to consumer complaints, compliments, and comments.
  • Product upgrade planning: Learn what consumers thought of your most recent product release, what they enjoy about it, what they think looks good about it, and what they find challenging to use.

In the end, Sentiment Analysis is a must-have tool for any business that wants to stay ahead of the game and truly understand what their customers are thinking and feeling.

Why is Palowise among the best Sentiment Analysis tools in the industry?

Palowise is a platform, with Sentiment Analysis capabilities tool that’s been making waves in the industry. And for good reason! Palowise is packed with features that make it one of the best tools out there for understanding consumer behavior and staying ahead of the curve. Here are a few things that make Palowise stand out:

  • Combination of models: We use a combination of models to provide a more accurate analysis of customer feedback. This ensures that you’re getting the most accurate insights possible.
  • Deep learning vs Machine learning: We use both deep learning and machine learning to analyze customer feedback. Deep learning allows for a more accurate analysis of customer feedback, while machine learning allows for faster processing of large amounts of data.
  • Award-winning platform: We’ve won multiple awards for its social intelligence platform, which is a testament to our effectiveness.
  • Patented technology: We own 4 patents for its technology, which is a clear indication of our innovation and superiority.
  • Proven track record: We’ve been delivering results to more than 1500 clients from Greece and Cyprus since 2008, which is proof of our effectiveness and reliability.

Ultimately, Palowise is a highly advanced, award-winning platform that uses a combination of deep learning and machine learning to provide accurate and fast analysis of customer feedback. With a proven track record and patented technology, Palowise is a top choice for businesses looking to gain valuable insights into customer feedback and make better decisions.

Is Sentiment Analysis included in the default Palowise pricing plan?

All Services and pricing plan is Tailored to your needs!

All features of Palowise’s platform, combined with the Sentiment Analysis tool and our expertise, are taken into consideration to match your brand, industry, and business needs and come up with a suitable pricing plan for you.

What other services does Palowise’s platform include?

Your brand can truly thrive with the help of all the services offered by Palowise. These services are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of your target audience and the market, so you can make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. Here are some examples of the services that Palowise offers that your brand can benefit from:

I’m interested in receiving a quote from Palowise. What are the next steps?

Dive into sentiment analytics and transform your company!

Fill in the form below and one of our Intelligence experts will get back to you within 24 hours.

Our Sentiment Analysis experts will guide you through

  • Understanding your business needs and what would you like to achieve
  • Give a demonstration of the platform
  • Developing the right solution for your business
  • Setting up your account

Why Palowise?

  • #1:Our customer service is exceptional.
  • #2:Our social listening abilities are phenomenal.
  • #3:Dashboards on our platform are automated and customizable.
  • #4:Our solutions are specifically designed for your brand and your needs.
  • #5:We have exceptional data coverage.
  • #6:Going above and beyond has always been the goal of Palowise.

What our Clients say about us.

Palowise delivered useful data and insights for our needs and projects, they helped identify & map market needs, trends, and consumer attitudes. We would recommend Palowise’s Web to any organization seeking a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

Alex Manos CEO & Founder

Monitoring public online through PALO pro gave as all the access needed, gathering key insights at any time and real-time insights at our interest. As a social listening tool helped as understand the social game and what people talk about our business and create a sophisticated community management approach. While our goal is to Improve customer satisfaction at any touchpoint Palo Pro gave all the knowledge into action tool to fullfill our zero detractors customer strategy!

Ioannis Kamilakis Marketing Director

It‘s always nice to work with professionals who enjoy their work. Palo takes it off! High quality services, interaction and open communication, value for money. With Palo we just get everything we need!

Sophia Stamou Communication Manager